Cleavage Profile#
- finaletoolkit.frag.cleavage_profile(input_file: FragFile, chrom_size: int, contig: str, start: int, stop: int, left: int = 0, right: int = 0, min_length: int | None = None, max_length: int | None = None, quality_threshold: int = 30, verbose: bool | int = 0, fraction_low: int | None = None, fraction_high: int | None = None) np.ndarray #
Cleavage profile calculated over a single interval.
- Parameters:
input_file (str) – BAM, CRAM, or FRAG file with fragment information.
chrom_size (int) – length of contig.
contig (str) – Chromosome or contig
start (int) – 0-based start coordinate
stop (int) – 1-based end coordinate
left (int) – Amount to subtract from start coordinate. Useful if only given coordinates of CpG.
right (int) – Amount to add to stop coordinate.
min_length (int) – Minimum fragment size to include
max_length (int) – Maximum fragment size to include
quality_threshold (int) – Minimum MAPQ
verbose (bool or in)
fraction_low (int, optional) – Deprecated alias for min_length
fraction_high (int, optional) – Deprecated alias for max_length
- Returns:
cleavage_proportions – Array of cleavage proportions over given interval.
- Return type: